Special Education Program and its effect on the student-teacher acquisition of professional standards for teachers of students with intellectual disabilities

د/ هالة أحمد سليمان حسنين

The study aimed at identifying the saturation of the special education program (special education courses) with the professional standards for teachers of students with intellectual disabilities from the viewpoint of student-teacher , and does the acquisition of student-teachers in the course of intellectual disability in the special education program for professional standards differ according to the academic rate and degree of satisfaction about studying. The sample of the study consisted of (85) student-teachers in the course of intellectual disability during the academic year 2018/2019, who responded to the list of professional standards for teachers of intellectual education, and the list of the degree of benefit from the courses of the special education program. Using the descriptive analytic approach, the study reached many results, the most important of which are that the most saturated criteria in the special education program in the following order: I know the concepts and foundations that underlie the special education specialization, I know the basic concepts of intellectual disability, and I know the general characteristics of students with intellectual disabilities, while the lowest saturated criteria in the special education program in the following order: I can apply independent skills development strategies for students with special educational needs, and I can apply behavioral programs for those with special educational needs. On the other hand, there are a number of courses that students have benefited most from, such as: field training in the field of intellectual disability, case study in the field of specialization, a graduation project in the field of intellectual disabilities, introduction to special education, and communication disorders. While there are a number of courses that students have benefited to a lesser extent, such as: Introduction to physiology, regulations and legislation in special education, terms and readings in special education in the English language, scientific applications for special education research, production of educational materials and techniques, multiple disabilities, and Physical and health disabilities. The study also found a statistical significant difference between the average scores of student-teachers on the list of professional standards according to the cumulative average, for the benefit of student-teachers with a cumulative average higher than 4.5, and a statistical difference between the average scores of student-teachers on List of occupational criteria according to the variable of satisfaction with the courses, in favor of a "satisfied" level compared to a "dissatisfied" level.
